Just a little warning, my music is on so turn down your speakers if you don't want it to blare in your ears!!! Thanks!!!

Sunday, February 28, 2010

A Little Blog Hopping

This is my take on the DirtyFitGirls Blog Hop Challenge!!!
Three Blogs...One Page ( The Blogs and challenges are listed below)

A little background on me: Anyone who truly knows me knows that I am a HUGE Disney fan, (the movies, the characters, the MUSIC) Ariel is my favorite character!!! When I was younger I tried out for the New Mickey Mouse Club ( I sang Debbie Gibson's song Lost In Your Eyes)! Yes the very one that spawned Britney Spears, Justin Timberlake, and yes Ms. Christina Aguilera whose song is featured on my page and one that I have been wanting to use for a very long time! Why? Because I often wonder about my reflection!!! Thanks for looking and as always Take Care and Have Fun!!!
First Blog, http://sassylilsketches.blogspot.com/wants you to use this sketch:

Second Blog, http://dirtyscraps.blogspot.com/ wants you to use this as your motivation for the page:
Getting dirty is not about scrapping only those bad moments or only the good. It's all about reflection and what YOU think, how your mind works and how you feel. So make this Layout about Reflection, maybe you are reflecting on past mistakes, or reflecting on a past blessing? Maybe it is how you see your reflection in the mirror?We all reflect, don't be scared to get dirty! Scrap your emotions, scrap them the way you want, now go get dirty!
And last but most certainly not least, http://scrapfit.blogspot.com/wants to see some ribbon and some silver to represent reflection!!!

Thanks to all 3 for the challenge and for introducing me to other great blogs out there as I am just getting into this big wide world of blogging!!! Thanks Again!!!


  1. Janelle - so glad that you found us and played along with the Sassy Dirty FitGirls! Love your vibrant colors here!

  2. absolutely fabulous layout! I love that you used the words of that song, just perfect! Thanks for playing along!

    Sassy Lil Sketches DT
    ScrapFIT DT

  3. This is fabulous!!! Thanks for playing along!

  4. WOW Janelle, your layout is FABulous girl...Love it :)
    Thanks for playin' along with us for the Blog Hop :)
    btw, LOVE your blog.

  5. What a great layout! Love the song! Thanks for playing along!

  6. Thank you all very much for the compliments on my page!!! I greatly appreciate them all so much!!! I enjoyed the blog hop as it lead me to new places to explore and new challenges to try!!! Thanks again and Laurajean thanks for the compliment on my blog!!! Take care and Have fun!!!

  7. lovely page ! love how u used purple on the layout :)
